Important litigation tips

On Behalf of | Jul 2, 2015 | Civil Litigation |

Are you involved in civil litigation in Oregon, and are you about to go before the court? If so, you should take a look at the following tips, which can help you work quickly and effectively through this process. These are especially important if you have never been to court before.

1. Don’t look for revenge.

You should be in court because you know that justice has not been served, and you want to see that things are put right. You should not be there simply to spitefully seek revenge.

2. Understand what your rights really mean.

If you think your rights have been violated, make sure you know exactly what your rights are, how they have been violated and what you can do about it. Never assume that they’ve been violated without really looking into the legal background.

3. Work closely with your legal team.

Remember that you have more to gain or lose in this case than anyone else. Work closely with those involved in your case to ensure that everything falls into place the way you want it to. Above all else, keep those doors to communication open so that you are all on the same page.

4. Keep your attitude light.

Court cases are very serious, but you don’t have to take yourself too seriously. People often get nervous in court, and they lock up, unable to really say what they want to say or tell their side of the story. If you have a lighthearted and confident approach, you’ll do much better and lower your stress levels.

Before going to court, take these things into account and be sure you know exactly what legal steps must be addressed.

Source: FIndLaw, “Ten Court Tips: How to Survive Your Day in Court,” accessed July 02, 2015

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