Personal Injury

If you or a loved one is involved in a serious accident and suffer severe injuries, you need to take action immediately to begin the process of obtaining compensation for your short-term and long-term damages, including monumental medical bills, long-term care, and lost earnings.

At Chenoweth Law Group, we work aggressively to help establish a clear showing of liability in personal injury cases. Our goal is to maximize your recovery so that you can receive appropriate medical and financial support for your needs. From our headquarters in Portland, our attorneys represent clients in accident and elder abuse claims throughout Oregon, Washington, and California.

Proactive Lawyers for Catastrophic Injuries

Our lawyers provide aggressive representation in personal injury cases. We work your case with an eye toward litigation and trial from day one. By preparing for trial, we increase your leverage when engaging in settlement negotiations. If an acceptable settlement offer cannot be reached, opposing counsel and insurance companies will know that we are prepared to go all out for you at trial.

Our attorneys understand that severe, life-altering injuries such as brain injuries and spinal cord injuries require significant legal support. Our first step is to investigate your injuries. We gather all your medical records and pertinent hospital records. We can also use video and photographic evidence to demonstrate the seriousness of your accident and injuries to the judge or jury.

Expert Testimony

Our attorneys often work with medical, engineering, economic, and other experts to help build and prove a personal injury case. Expert testimony can bring credence to your claim and has become a frequent necessity in modern-day personal injury litigation. When we investigate your case, we talk with a wide range of experts appropriate to your situation, including the following:

  • Accident reconstruction experts — to help determine liability in major auto accidents
  • Product defect experts — to help determine product liability
  • Medical specialists — to help establish your financial damages and physical injuries or determine wrongful death claims
  • Forensic specialists — to help establish the cause of the harm
  • Rehabilitation experts — to help determine your future capabilities
  • Vocational specialists — to help determine your ability to earn a living and maximize your recovery if it appears you are unable to work

Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation

To discuss the severe injuries you have suffered and how we can help you with personal injury litigation, please call us at 503.446.6261 in Portland or send us an email.

Practice Areas

Chenoweth Law Group