What should I know about deadlines for Oregon civil appeals?

On Behalf of | Jul 27, 2015 | Civil Appeals |

In our past few blog posts, we have discussed some common contracts that employers can use in an effort to keep their trade secrets from getting into the hands of competitors. If you recall, we have discussed how it is sometimes necessary to head to court to enforce those contracts. These civil cases might end up leading to an appeal if you don’t agree with the court’s decision. Understanding some of the basic points regarding appeals in Oregon is vital in those cases.

When must an appeal be filed?

An appeal can be filed within 30 days of the date that the court’s decision is entered into the register for the trial court. If this deadline has passed, the Court of Appeals won’t be able to consider your case.

How is the date of the appeal calculated?

For the purpose of the filing date, there are two options that you have for ensuring compliance. The first option is to make sure that the Office of the Appellate Court Administrator has your appeal in hand by the deadline. The second is to make sure that the appeal is sent via the United States Post Office on or before the deadline. If you send the appeal via USPS, it must be sent registered or certified in order to meet the requirements.

The filing of an appeal in Oregon is very technical work. You have to make sure that you have completed all required information or the appeal might not be considered. Making sure your appeal meets the standards might mean asking someone familiar with these forms to complete them on your behalf.

Source: Oregon Judicial Department, “Information on Filing a Notice of Appeal (Circuit Court Civil),” accessed July 27, 2015

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