Seek experienced help with underground storage tank law

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2016 | Civil Litigation |

Did you know that underground storage tanks — the type that often hold fuel such as gasoline or biodiesel — come with their own laws and regulations? It’s probably obvious that you simply can’t let one of these tanks full of hazardous materials rot away on your land, but liability for damage to the soil and environment can become expensive if you don’t maintain such tanks in compliance with state and national environmental laws.

And what do you do if you find out you have such tanks on your property and you don’t want them there? It’s not a matter of simply digging up tanks and moving them to a new location. There are many regulations to follow when moving such equipment, which is why you should always understand your responsibilities fully before purchasing property with such tanks.

While the law might seem to push heavily against any property owner who has such tanks on their land, it is important to know that the law almost always works two ways. If you are accused by environmental activities or neighbors of environmental crimes, you can use the same laws to protect yourself against liability or other lawsuit damages by showing that you are, in fact, in compliance with the regulations.

Our firm understands both sides of these arguments and we work with you to help ensure the most positive outcome possible from legal battles surrounding underground storage tanks. Our goal is to ensure companies and property owners are following the law, but also to help those who are legally managing such tanks from unfair attacks by others.

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