Starting a New Business in Washington

For any entrepreneur, a new business venture generates many questions, but there is one question many people fail to ask when starting a business: Should you stay where you are to launch your business, or is a move to another nearby state a better choice for the success of your business? There are significant differences between Washington and Oregon that you should consider before launching your business.

At Chenoweth Law Group in Portland, we provide sound legal counsel for clients starting new businesses in both Oregon and Washington. For years, clients have trusted our experienced attorneys to help them make smart business decisions and to protect their legal interests.

Benefits of Starting a Business in Washington

One major benefit of starting a business in Washington is that it is home to many successful businesses already, including Amazon and Starbucks. Further, Washington ranks high in terms of productivity and employee availability.

Potential Challenges to Starting a Business in Washington

The biggest challenge in Washington seems to be the competition. While there are many businesses in Washington along with a high potential for success, there is also a tremendous risk of failure. Washington has “the lowest business survival rate” of all the states.*

How Do You Choose?

Choosing where to locate your new business startup is no easy task. Answering the question successfully involves in-depth analysis of legal matters, business opportunities and other important factors. The best first step you can take is to call an attorney from CLG right away at 503.446.6261, or email the firm to schedule a consultation with an experienced lawyer.


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Chenoweth Law Group