Forming an LLC or Corporation
One of the key decisions to make when starting a new business is deciding whether your company will be a corporation, limited liability company (LLC) or another type of entity. Your choice will have significant legal and tax ramifications.
It’s important to work with an attorney you trust to help you in the process. At Chenoweth Law Group in Portland, we help clients through all aspects of their new business ventures, including corporation and LLC formation, in Oregon and Washington, and throughout the northwest.
Legal Entity Designation
In general, there are more case law governing structures, disputes and other matters for corporations as compared to LLCs. This provides a degree of stability for the corporate structure. The LLC, while perhaps lacking some of this stability, is arguably afforded greater flexibility.
There are other significant differences between these two entities, including varying state laws when starting a business in Washington or starting a business in Oregon.
At CLG, our experienced lawyers can help you:
- Determine the best entity type for your business goals
- Provide sound legal counsel for your business structure and operating documents
- Handle all filing requirements with the secretary of state
- Provide sound legal counsel regarding your tax entity designation and your business tax concerns
- Help you with the initial contract and employment concerns for your new business
We offer flat-rate fee structures or hourly rates for clients starting a new business. Talk with an attorney from our firm to learn more.
Get the Help You Need
There is no better security for your new business than having an experienced team of business formation attorneys on your side. Schedule a consultation with an attorney from our firm by calling 503.446.6261 or by sending us an email today.